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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Skeleton Bones and the verse after 16...

Skeleton bones stand at the sound
Of eternity on
The lips of the found
Grave stones roll
to the rhythm of the sound of you

(taken from the song Skeleton Bones by John Mark McMillan)

This song has got a lot of play in my head over the last month or so. I love the symbolism in this song. I believe that it captures the very yearning we have in us to find Him. When the writer talks about our bones standing at the sound of eternity on the lips of the found, I can feel the innermost groaning or yearning for Him to be with us. When the grave stones roll to the rhythm of the sound of you makes me get excited about the awakening when He returns. WOW! This is the Creator of everything that is and everything that will be, calling His created to Him.

The lips of the found? That's those who have put their faith in Him. John 3:16 is a starting point for the found. It is the gospel in one verse. Whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life!

But have you considered fully the verse that follows? John 3:17? For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him. That verse gives another glimpse into the wondrous love that He has for his created. If we were to be judged without Him, we would deserve hell. But Jesus came to save us. He didn't come to judge, He came to save, to rescue, to bring a stirring to skeleton bones that stand at the sound of eternity on, the lips of the found. With this we can take joy and say,
We want you close, we adore you, we stand surrounded by the cloud of Your glory,
As brightness blinds our eyes and our ears are filled with Your joy!
Adoring acknowledgement of what You have given us,
what You have saved us from,

So when your bones start jumping at the sound of eternity on the lips of the found, and the voice within your chest tells the heart inside your head to give Him praise, think of John 3:17 and crank it up!

Be encouraged today, for the grave stones will roll at the sound...

Friday, March 4, 2011

I like definitions, do you?

"a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive."

When I saw this definition of thankful, it reaffirmed why the title for this blog was chosen. Thankful for me is on many levels. I have received many benefits in my life. I was born to wonderful unconditionally loving parents from the greatest generation. They taught me love, hard work, positive outlooks, determination and ambition. They taught me family. They taught me how to dream and where to look for them. I was surrounded by brothers and sister who made sure I knew about life, had a basketball, bicycle, books and appreciation for what life brings and the beauty that is in everyday living. I am thankful to have found a wife who taught me how to be honest with myself and love another person without reservations. She has taught me trust, determination and how pure a heart can be. Man, am I thankful for her. I am constantly amazed that she said yes to my marriage proposal. (OK, I did twist her arm and have her in a headlock :)) I have two wonderful children. I often tell them, they are much more wonderful people they are than I was when I was their age. They both have beautiful, giving hearts that show the true joy of what God meant when He made us. Their optimism is contagious as well as their surety of the goodness of people. I am thankful for them as they teach me everyday.

The above definition has a pretty cool before and after statement of what one has received and what one will receive. You see, by grace I am saved through faith. It is a gift from God, not anything that I have done or can do. Its a gift, a benefit! That means everything to me. What I have received and what I will receive. In this life, I have received eternal life. A relationship with Him. After this time is over, I will spend eternity with Him. That's the benefit to be received. This is the ultimate benefit. How wonderful and loving He is to give us this benefit. One songwriter put it this way, "if grace is an ocean, then we're all sinking". Wow! So much love and gifts that we would literally drown if it were a physical manifestation of His love! WOW!

Thankful: a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. I encourage you to speak this today to those around you. Encourage someone today and let them know how thankful you are for them.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hands on the Tablecloth

Her hands are wrinkled now, as they lay on the tablecloth folded in anticipation. She gazes out the window through a ever deepening haze of cataracts. Its Sunday, surely they will call today. Her thoughts though, are of her kids, her husband, her home and her family. In her thoughts, her kids are laughing, playing, going to school, getting married, having babies, young and vibrant they talk to her asking for her help or advice. They ask her to take them to their ballgame, their work. They ask her, What's for supper? That's what's in her thoughts as she looks out the window waiting on them to call. But, Its in her thoughts she has value, happiness. Its where she is needed.

In another part of town, a new one arrives in the world. Born to parents she will never see, she is thrust into a world that is cold and hard. She never is held or cuddled. She does not know the feel of a parent's touch. She cries, not out of fear but of hunger. Hunger for a touch, a word, a glimpse of hope.

Even similar is the person who has insulated themselves because of the lack of connection. They may be struggling with hurt, with self-esteem, with scenes of childhood trauma that will not leave their mind. They struggle with communication and long for someone to make the first step. They isolate themselves to make the hurt go away. But the need for connection is the same. Does someone or will someone care?

Jesus stood on the hill outside Jerusalem with His arms stretched out in a voice saying to the people, Oh Jerusalem, often would I have gathered you together like a hen gathering her chicks, but you would not! I have to think He was so sad when He looked out upon the city. He saw the people that He came to deliver, refuse His delivery, turn their back on Him and eventually kill Him. Oh how sad that picture is. He said for us to love one another as He loved us. He said for in as much as you have done to the least of these, you have done it unto Me.

So what is stopping us from reaching out to lady at the table, the baby in the crib, the isolated one or to one of His at the shelter. They all are someone that is needing your touch, your connection? Sometimes, for me, its fear. I used to be afraid I would have to run the gauntlet of questions I put to myself why I wasn't doing this more than once in a while. I'm no longer afraid. We have push forward with intentional gratitude knowing that I will fail sometimes, but I will get up and keep trying. Knowing that He is with me, helping me.

Someone is waiting on your touch, voice, prayer, or visit. Take hold of what He has done for you and accept your worthiness in His salvation. Maybe its Him that is at the table waiting, in crib crying? Because, in as much as we have done it to the least of these...

Encouragement for you today,


Monday, February 28, 2011

Wow, it's so noisy in here!!!

Rattle, rattle, hum, whir, beep, tweet, blog, facebook update,news report, news flash, film at 11!, news reports of a devastating earthquake in Papua, New Guinea, thousands dead, reports of natural disasters all over the world, Charlie Sheen going on a rant about not being able to take drugs, entertain hookers and Kim Kardashians latest real housewife of american pickers found at a storage war!

Sounds like a lot? Need to catch your breath? Confusing?

Noisy to me too. Sometimes I feel like I am on a rollercoaster that has reached the apex and has begun its descent.

The world keeps on making noise at an ever increasing pace. Its like a burr in your saddle as you ride through life. Its there to just put a little discomfort and annoyance in the ride. That's what the devil wants. Distraction. Loss of focus. Lack of diligence. Just wants to beat us down and convince us that its not going to work, not worth the effort, (as the Borg said, "resistance is futile"). Its that discouragement when you know you need to say something to a loved one who is hurting. You know the feeling...I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. They don't have time to hear this. They won't listen. That feeling. Or, its the notion that we can't stop to say, Thank you!, we must push forward to "get ours!" before someone else gets something better, or the last loaf of bread at the supermarket on a snow day. It's noise. Chatter. Chaos.

Is the burr under your saddle worth wasting your days here on earth with unreconciled feelings or unsaid encouragement or love to someone? Why do we do this? What will it hurt to just say, "Hey I want you to know how much you really do mean to me!", or, "Hey, you know when you act the way you do, it hurts me some, but I love you more than the hurt it gives me, so I want us to be straight with one another." Its just that important.

John 14:27 says, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth,give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Jesus gave us peace. He knew that the world would give us noise, chaos and hurt. So, the peace that He gives is here. Its time to tell the world to shut up and cling to His truth. Have you ever went up to a window when its a cold day outside? Put your face close up to the inside part and breathed? See how your breath left a trail which vanished quickly? That's what God says our life is like. "What is your life, but a vapor..."

You get the picture that this vapor is too short to focus on this dot called earthly life? Someone needs you today, tonight, tomorrow. Let them know how much they mean to you. They are waiting by the phone, or on the road somewhere, or maybe right beside you. Don't wait. Do it now. Shut out the noise, turn down the sound, take hold of what He has promised you. What He died for. What He is waiting to hear right now at the Father's right hand. He gave the second commandment to love one another. Don't be afraid, He will be there.

Turning down the sound,


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wild Kingdom!

One of my favorite shows growing up was Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins and his trusty sidekick. The sidekick was always with Marlin as they explored the animals of wild in their natural habitat (just with a camera out of site of the animals). I remember watching several shows that featured prairie dogs. Man they were cute. Who doesn't love a cute prairie dog. Often the prairie dogs would be pictured going about their work, doing what prairie dogs do. Their big eyes would roam the countryside looking for food and sparkle with excitement as they played with one another. The momma prairie dog would always be on the watch for predators. Her head would pop up fast and look around for seemingly hours upon end. Most of the time she was successful. Sometimes, though, when maybe one of her tribe scampered off on their own, the predator would strike. Quick, coldly, efficiently. The predator would strike with lethal force and drag its dinner back to the house. The prairie dog who left the pack met its fate quickly and violently. This dog did not stick close to the tribe. It didn't have a watchdog. Someone watching its back, looking out for its best interests, advising when danger was around. It was isolated, separated from the pack, it was easy picking for the predator. And usually met a grisly death at the hand of a wily predator.

Ecclesiastes talks about the problem of isolation. In Chapter 4, verse 12, the writer says, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken" In Chapter 4 Solomon writes about the danger of isolation. Often times when we are isolated we have a tendency to be easy prey for the predator. Just like the prairie dog who leaves the pack and straggles behind, we give an opening for the predator when we are isolated. Beware, the predator is always about. In 1 Peter 5:8 he says, "Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." Easy picking is the one who is straggling outside the pack, thinking we can do this all on our own. Be on the alert.

Now, I don't think nor want to say that there are times when being isolated is not a good thing. I am talking more about staying in touch with people. Better yet, seeking out someone who is isolated and encouraging them. Reaching out to them. Showing, not just telling, that they mean something, they have value, they can get out of where they are, ...or just to listen to what they have on their mind. We need to be the momma prairie dog with her ears perked up, saying to her brood, WATCH OUT!!! Stay CLOSE!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Perhaps you know someone that through life's struggles has become isolated or is becoming isolated. You have a chance to alert them to the predator. You have an opportunity to reach out to them. We just need to cast aside our pride, insecurity, and worrying about what people will think and just be real and urgent. Maybe you are reading this and you have drawn away from people or are drawing away from people. Maybe you think that nobody cares what you think, how you feel, that they are mad at you, or don't want to hear from you. I am hear to tell you that that is a lie born from the pits of hell itself. We are relational spiritual beings encased in a fleshly shell. We naturally want to be connected, cared about, care about others, know why we are here.

Today, don't be like the prairie dog who is straggling behind. Be the momma prairie dog and reach out to someone. Someone needs you. Someone is waiting for you to be that one who saves them from the predator. Don't just be like the camera man on Wild Kingdom, be the sidekick who gets in there amidst the danger and interacts with animals.

I am thankful for you.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bruuuce!!! - Springsteen was right

"Now those dreams come back to haunt me,
they haunt me like a curse,
Is a dream a lie if it dont come true,
Or is it something worse?... (from Bruce Springsteen's song The River)
This is a verse from one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite musical artists and songwriters. Bruuuuce!!! screams the crowd at his concerts. I saw a post of this song the other day on FB by a friend (Thanks Rick!!)and it took me back to when I first heard it and how it affected me then and now. The song is about a fellow who, through some decisions in his life, has his dreams changed and maybe crushed by those decisions and what we call life. Bruce was right in the song in making a point to get us to think about what are dreams are and how they play out in our life.

I believe our strongest dream/desire is to be significant. Whether its significance to the world,country,state,community,work group,small group,family or the loved one you share your life with. We want to be significant. We want to know, "Who am I?", "Why do I exist?". We start out having dreams and visions of who we want to become, as Bruce puts it in the song above. But sometimes those things that seemed important then, well mister they vanished right into the air...(another reference to the song). If you think about how he worded that and how we have felt at one point or at many points in our life, we are definitely like the seeds Jesus talks about in Matthew 13. He said when the sower went out to sow, some seed fell beside the road,some fell on rocky places, some fell among the thorns, but some fell on good soil. Too often in my case, the seed has fell beside the road and the evil one has come and snatched it away. That's usually, no wait, that's always when my dreams don't line up with what He has planned and wanted for me. The good stuff in my life (Salvation, Dedra, Noah, Chloe', family,friends,etc) have all been brought about by Him, not me. He gives every good and perfect gift and is always giving so as to draw us to Him. That draws me back into Ephesians 1:11, "In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to His plan of Him who works everything in conformity with the purpose of His will." To paraphrase, its in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.

So, Springsteen was right in a way, when he said, "Is a dream a lie, if it don't come true, or is it something worse..." If our dreams and visions (another Boss reference in another song, look it up you might like it) don't line up with what He wants, we are just dry seeds laying by the side of the road waiting to be snatched up. God didn't create us for that, He certainly doesn't want that for us and has so much more good stuff there for us, if we plant ourselves in the good soil of Him.

Love somebody big time today, say a prayer to a big God who can do all things and find that good soil.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Man in the Arena

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

~Theodore Roosevelt, excerpted from the speech “Citizenship in a Republic” delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910.

This is one of my favorite quotes by one of my favorite Presidents. While TR was delivering this for public service, it has had a different meaning for me as I grow older. Its impact can be seen in our lives as we follow/love/obey Him who made us. It doesn't matter, you see what the critic says. It doesn't matter who is standing outside the arena or the fire telling you that something can't be done, it is crazy, close-minded, and futile to live for Jesus. It only matter what God thinks. If He is pleased, and He is if we love Him with all our heart,soul,mind and strength along with loving each other above ourselves, then everything is good. End of story.

Be encouraged today. Be strong. Know that you are loved. I need this every once in a while, so I figure someone else does too.



Monday, February 7, 2011


Dedra said she would like to have some Chocolate Cake tonight. Not just any Chocolate Cake, but a "Lena" cake. It was a recipe from her uncle's mom that she remembers as "the bomb!" One of those good country church cookbook kind of cakes. If you know my beloved, you know chocolate is a major food group. So we assembled the ingredients, found the recipe in the "recipe book" and set off to bake the cake...from scratch! Intimidated? Nope. I figured if it didn't work, it was still chocolate cake, so it couldn't be all bad.

There was a special way the ingredients were supposed to mixed, a certain method to the preparation,mixing,ingredient content. Each step at the right time to bring about the necessary chemical reaction before the baking or developing process began. We measured each ingredient with care, took pains to take the right steps and followed the directions for mixing. The oven temperature was set at the right degree, the oven rack was in the right place. Only thing left was the baking. Trouble is, the recipe didn't say for how long we were supposed to bake it. It only said until it was done. What to do? What to do? What to do? Mom always stuck a toothpick in the cakes as did Sheila. I used that method.

It came time to check it. I put the toothpick in, and it came out gooey. Not ready. So I left the cake in for a little while longer. Then when checked, the toothpick came out clean. TADAH!!! It was ready. Now, the big test came. Would following the directions, process and baking time prove to be correct? Would it result in a good tasting delight that we waited for? Yep. Dedra and I had a piece with some cold milk (Hungry yet?) and were satisfied that this was the good stuff. The recipe held true.

As I sat there eating that cake, a thought came to me that has been coming back time and time again lately. ‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope...
Jeremiah 29:11 .

Don't rush to judgment here. I know that a recipe for chocolate cake is nothing like nor will ever be what our Lord has in store for us. But the meaning, that spoke to me, as it has in several things that have come about, is that He requires obedience. He has laid the plans out, paid the price for a relationship with us when He did NOT have to, gave us the plan of salvation...freely gave us the plan. It just requires acceptance, obedience and "following the recipe". He has assembled all the ingredients...mixed them all up at the right time...served them to us on a cross of shame...came forth from a borrowed tomb, risen and glorious...perfection! We, in turn, only have to ...come and taste...see that the Lord is good! For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare (good) and not for calamity (harm) to give you a future and a hope!! We just have to obey. Like the old Sunday School song says, Trust and Obey, for there's no other way.

He has spoken to me pretty hard in the last several years. I still thought I had to "earn" His affection, His Love, His care, His salvation. Even though I firmly believed, For it is grace that we are saved through faith, it is a gift of God, not of works...There was, regrettably, a part of me that still wanted to earn His love. I didnt have to. I was fighting a fight that had already been won. I am seeing now, that this thought was still the devil telling me that lie. I recognize it now for what it is. Its a lie. Anyone that says different, nullifies what He did on the cross. Now, after salvation, we are created for good works, which we will do with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He loves us. He wants a relationship with us. He created us to glorify Him.

That is the recipe! Everything that was needed for the perfect plan was assembled, mixed, nurtured and done by Him. We are the ingredient. We just have to surrender to the sifter, mixer, milk and oven to become what He plans. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,"plans for welfare and not calamity to give you a future and a hope." What a recipe He put together! What preparation went into the plan! What a price that was paid for the ingredients! But, the sweet smell or aroma of His saints praising Him and glorifying Him, it is said be acceptable to Him.

The next time you eat some chocolate cake, think about this recipe!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Write it Down!

I am still old school. I have a "paper" day planner, still. I believe I got it a long time ago, because it had a copy of the Magna Carta in one of the pockets.:) Just kidding. I have a Blackberry as well but feel a little uneasy when I am untethered from my paper day planner. Sorta like Linus and his blanket. I use and have used the planner for several years of my professional life. Its helped me keep appointments, plan for the coming week or month and help me remember key dates (Anniversary, Dedra,Noah, and Chloe's birthdays!) OK, I remember them dates pretty well, but have a bunch more that its important to remember. The paper planner helps me. It just doesnt buzz, ring or chime me when an appointment is nigh. I like my planner. I draw security from it.

However, I heard a message from Pastor Chris Stephens after Christmas during a Men's Breakfast at Faith Promise that smacked me upside my big noggin (those that know me, know that its a big noggin). I have been on my journey following Christ for 20 years. I had read the Bible, sermons, Bible studies, and other Christian literature on the life of Him who gave everything for me. The very thing that I ask others to do and also myself to do, in my professional life, to achieve a goal, I had not done for my Christian walk. I didn't have a written plan! I had never bothered or took the time to plan what I was going to study about the coming year concerning Jesus. I never had a cogent,written plan that I could review to show me progress on memorizing scripture, content of my Bible studies, how many people I was going to reach out to this year, what charitable community efforts was I going to help with, and how I was going to lead my family spiritually, financially,and emotionally. Me, an engineer, who loves detail, makes his living by developing plans, didnt have a written plan for the most important thing in my life!

I believe at the core of my inadequacy at writing something down, was fear. Fear of failure, fear of commitment, fear of stepping out of my comfort zone. Bottom line, was that I didn't trust God to get me there. If I didnt write something down, I always had an excuse. I couldn't fail, because there was nothing to fail from. I hadnt given full trust to follow Him in this relationship.

So, at the beginning of the year, I wrote down my plan. I wrote my goals down of what I wanted to do to grow closer to Him. I wrote down what Bible reading plan I was going to do. I committed. Full on. I can say that it has taken another step of discipline that He has allowed me to have. I can say it has to be intentional or it wont happen. But, it has been truly rewarding. I am journaling my prayers, my words from God, His guidance, His Word, prayer items and people I am praying for.

Part of this process, is this thing that He has impressed upon me in the past few years. This blog and my notes are a venue for me to express His blessings on me and telling others where I have found bread. Because, at the end of the day, that's what this is about. We are beggars telling other beggars where to find bread.

I want to tell you I have journaled every day, I have accomplished every goal so far that was set before me. But I havent. The memorization of scripture is still tough for me. I can remember the scripture pretty good, but cant give you the exact chapter and verse. When I try to do that, I have in mind Don Lee. When he preached, the Bible just floated off the page from his lips with nary a note left out! WOW! Truly amazing gift from God.

I encourage you if you havent started a written plan, do so now. Its been a treat for me. I have found bread there.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Puddle of Tears

Puddle of Tears
by Danl Hall on Friday, November 5, 2010 at 8:39pm

What comes to mind when you see...Puddle of Tears? For me, it conjures up a bunch of things. One of things I remember is when Dad went to heaven. After he left, the nurses led us into another room. I was standing up leaning on the wall with my hands palm down on the wall and my head hanging between my arms. My tears were flowing along with flashes of my life with him and how good he was to me throughout my life. The pain was bad, but I had peace that he was in heaven and I would see him again. The tears were forming a puddle on the carpet below. That was a puddle of tears of joy mixed with sadness I remember.

Another puddle was tears of happiness when we prayed with our children as they accepted the gift of salvation. The Holy Spirit has a direct line on my tear ducts. My kids are much smarter than I could ever be, so they understood at a young age what Jesus did for them. The tears started flowing again each time, making a puddle on the floor below. Those puddles were joy.

In 1990, there were many tears of joy flowing down on the altar of the Pikeville Freewill Baptist Church when I let go of my pride and trusted Him that gave so much for me. After the tears stopped or slowed, an immense exhiliration wiped every pressure, guilt, hurt that I had. What a puddle of tears that was! I still have those times when I get down and think that He is far away. But then, the puddle starts anew to let me know He is in control.

Society tells men it aint cool to cry. For the most part, I am a stoic guy, but when the Holy Spirit speaks, He usually does it through my tears, discernment or encouragement. But there is much in a puddle of tears that says volumes.

Which brings me to why I mention the puddle of tears. In my study, I am reading Radical by David Platt along with a review of Matthew. In Matthew, when Jesus is in the garden prior to the crucifixion, He is praying that "this cup may pass from me"... and when He was praying His sweat became as drops of blood. I agree with David Platt who stated that there were probably a puddle of tears there as well. Jesus knew that the full wrath of God was being ready to be poured out on him for the payment for "our" sins. How He loved us and still does to this day to do that for us! That puddle of tears had my name written on them. They had yours, my kids, wife, mom, dad, brothers and sisters names as well.

So when I get all wrapped up in myself and say "aint it awful!", someone cuts me off in traffic, is mean to my wife and kids, or when the ones I love have pain...I think of the puddle of tears in the garden. Nothing will or can ever top that. Truly, when the book says, "greater is He that is in you, than he who is in the world..." you have to think about the puddle of tears and know that it will be ok.

Love you, mean it...


Christmas Candy

Christmas Candy
by Danl Hall on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 10:45pm

Remember the metal tins of Christmas candy? You remember the little rectangles of sugary goodness when left after Christmas in the tin become one big ball? When I was younger I remember those tins of Christmas candy, oranges (why oranges at Christmas?), apples and plastic army men. Thinking about that tonite takes me back to that time when I was a kid....Lets go back a few years....

Picture a snowy night with the big flakes coming down so much you thought you were in a snow globe. We are along a small street(Main Street) in Pikeville, KY(pop. 3500+/-). Its Friday night and the local store, G.C. Murphy's is staying open later because its the Christmas season. Its not terribly cold but cold enough that the store's warmth is made that much more special. G.C. Murphy's is a general store with everything from clothes, laundry stuff, hardware, toys, toys and CANDY! Inside the store near the middle of the building is this kid's dream...the candy and nut counter! For what seemed like forever, the candy aisle stretched out with all kinds of candy...chocolate covered peanuts, orange slices, salted peanuts, and if we had a little more money a hot bag of cashews! Mercy that was good. It was also the place where the Christmas candy was located. Thinking of that and other times at Christmas made my thoughts go to my "Mamaw Suzie". Mamaw Suzie was a widow for a long time. She lived where my dad was raised on Sookey's Creek. She was an independent woman who lived alone for a long time but never seemed to be alone. She always had a smile and enjoyed every day. She had a green thumb and could grow anything from almost nothing. At Christmas time, one of things I remember was her gifts, her food, and the Christmas candy. She always had the little tins around and I particularly liked the ones with the green stripes. I also remember her contentment, her serenity, her faith (as I later come to know) and her sweetness. At the time, I just knew those qualities as Mamaw Suzie. Only later on, have I come to know what or who gave her those traits.

Mamaw Suzie was a believer. She had an everyday communication with God. She trusted in Him who saw her through everything. She didnt thump you on the head with a bible, never much discussed anything. But she was always giving, caring for others, making sure others had when she didnt. She loved her neighbors as much as she did herself and always put them before her own needs. She walked, talked, breathed and lived in communication with her Creator. She did what He asked her to do. She was obedient.

As I think about that now, I remember what Jesus was trying to get everyone back then and now to understand. When he brought the little children to himself and told those around that the kingdom of heaven is likened to that of the children. A childlike faith. When we are children we "just know" that when we ask for something we will recieve it, when we reach our hands up, we will be picked up; when we go to grandma's house, there will be Christmas candy, when we get up on Saturday morning there will be cartoons on the television. We know and dont doubt that anything will be any different. We just know...deep down without thinking or debating...we just know.

As we grow older, the world gets into us too much. We cant believe that those things can happen. We cant believe if we trust God, He will do as he said and take care of us. We think that we surely have to take control and get things done! Surely, we can control things and make things as they should be. Wow, when God was asking Job where he was when He was busy creating the universe, Job understood that it wasnt about him, it was and still is all about God. This world keeps telling us that we are in charge of our life, its all about us, we "deserve" this or that. At the end of the day, there is still just one that has died and came back...and he was God.

The Christmas candy tin is not as popular as it used to be, but when i see some green stripe hard candy, I will be thinking of a few things...Mamaw Suzie with the sparkle in her eyes opening her presents, Murphy's department store and the candy aisle, and the Creator who came to say follow me and trust me like you would when you were a child...

So this Christmas, lets remember our childhood Christmas lists and those memories, but better yet, lets get our minds and hearts to where they were when we "just know" that He cares for us, He will do what he says, He will pick us up when we reach up our hands. When you see your favorite Christmas candy, I hope you think of Him.

Love you, mean it.


Its a wonderful Life

It's a Wonderful Life
by Danl Hall on Monday, December 20, 2010 at 9:28pm

We have probably all seen the movie, Its a Wonderful Life at Christmas time. George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stewart (one of my favorite actors of all time) thinks that his life is meaningless. Until he is visited by an angel who shows him the importance of what his life has meant.

I wonder how many times when we think that times are tough and our life hasnt meant much? Probably more than you would like to admit. But, if we were to take stock and consider the implications of what would life be without us, we would see that we truly have wonderful lives. I know there are many born into poverty, neglect, and many people fall prey to the wiles that this world and its king offer. But God has placed folks like you and me here to serve our fellow man and to help others. To help others have a wonderful life.

Consider for a moment, how our lives would be if someone had not cared for us, shared the love of God with us, clothed us, fed us, gave us something to drink when we were thirsty. If we don't return that service to others, we might as well be like George Bailey when he never was born. Think about that. What if we never serve others, encourage others, tell each other how much they mean to us, tell others what Jesus has done for us?

Put yourself in place of George Bailey. What would the world look like if you weren't alive? Believe me when I tell you that the world would not be better off. You have value, purpose and a God given talent that you need to share. If the Creator of everything stepped into this world to bring us into a relationship with Him, you have a part to play in that relationship. Jesus would not have given up the glory He had to come and live as us if we weren't meant to play a part. Not only in this short time span on earth, but in the neverending story that is eternity.

Just think of me as a kind of Clarence who is here to tell you what you mean to me, your family, community and the "big" plan. What a purpose you serve, what a gift you have, what a story you have to share! Remember this when you see Its a Wonderful Life this year. You have a wonderful life because you have blessed someone and have a part in a wonderful plan put into motion by the One that always was, is and is to come!!

Love you much,


The Bride

The Bride
by Danl Hall on Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 7:41pm

I attended my niece's wedding over the weekend. I have to brag a little on what a wonderful young lady she is and made a great choice in marriage. Her husband is a quiet, confident, steadfast man of God who definitely loves his bride. She had a wonderful setting for the wedding and all of the work that was done by her mother and family was a tremendous statement to the love they have for her. She looked beautiful and, to borrow my wife's statement, was just "glowing" the whole weekend with happiness. Karrah deserves every bit of joy that life and the life after has to offer. She is and always has been the epitome of grace, character, and true beauty that shows Christ through everything she does. A great thing that they included in the ceremony was their public dedication and profession of their faith to everyone present. WOW!!! What a tremendous testimony to lay a foundation stone on the first day of their marriage. I was pretty much an emotional cup that was filling over as I watched her throughout the two days. I saw a young woman that was preparing for the next step in her life with confidence, grace and joy.

When the wedding started and the bride was ready to enter, everyone stood in anticipation. She walked down the aisle in glistening white with a radiant smile that showed true happiness and joy. Lee was there awaiting his bride and the look on his face was one of true happiness. Their proclamation as Christians and their vows as man and wife testified to crowd what their marriage will be based on.

I had a moment when they were pronounced man and wife of what the Scripture talks about the Bride of Christ. As believers we are the Bride of Christ, He is the Bridegroom. The ceremony was set on top of the mountains at the Breaks Interstate Park in full view of God's natural splendor. I understood at that moment more about the Bride of Christ than I have in some time. He expects His bride to come to the wedding party unsullied and fully believing. If we are determined and intentional in our belief that He is the Son of God that came to save us from our sinful condition to bring us into a relationship with Him, then we come to the wedding with happiness and joy. He as the Bridegroom is ever ready and in anticipation of His bride. When the marriage takes place, the wonders of heaven and the full glory of our Lord will be shown! Karrah, as the bride, presented herself ready and prepared to meet the Bridegroom. Lee, pursued Karrah and asked her to be his bride. Christ does that for us. He pursues us and asks us to come to the wedding prepared with our lamps trimmed and ready.

As Karrah and Lee continue with their life, I wish them more happiness and joy, I wish them wonder and amazement at the joys marriage brings. I appreciate the fact that Karrah was persistent in her faith through the years, undaunted even when presented with tough circumstances. Her determined and intentional faith in her God allowed a joy that transcends anything that this world offers. Her choice in an equally yoked partner showed her wisdom and true God given discernment. At the wedding I saw the little girl who I used to put together toys for at Christmas become a radiant, beautiful, pristine bride who epitomized what Christ wants in His bride. I will remember that always thank Him who made it happen often.

Love you, mean it.



Driving back from the grocery this evening after a long week in which Old Scratch seemed to be at every turn trying to bust me upside the head, we were listening to Mercy Me's You're Beautiful. Sure enough, it got me thinking about how much God loves us. Consider this:

He didn't have to create man. He didn't have to make the earth, heavens and everything else. He just didn't have to! He wanted to. In Genesis when He says, let Us make man in Our image, he intentionally did this. Why? We could wonder until we see Him in glory, but the fact remains is...He did. He wanted to. Even went further than that. the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, as a sacrifice for our waywardness and sin. Zipped everything up at that moment. Because He loves us. Sends us rain, snow, sun, warmth, love, beauty, to remind us that He loves us. Everything that He does is because He loves us. We know that every good and perfect gift comes from Him. Why? Because He loves us! Think about that.

The song goes on to say...Before you ever took a breath, long before the world began, of all the earth and skies above, you're the one He madly loves, enough to die for! Combine that with the scripture that there is nothing that can seperate us from the love of the Father, we ought to see the picture that He really means this. He loves us!

When satan is there telling you can't do something, your past means something, you are never going to be good enough, why did you wear those pants?, nobody cares about you, your life doesnt measure up...Tell him to get lost and he is a liar that has lost the battle. Tell him that you're beautiful, you are a child of the King, you are a royal priesthood, your Father is the Beginning and the End, the maker of all and He is madly in love with you!!! tell him that he has no power over you and that you are going to press on, believe in what He did on the cross and that day when He walked out of the grave. Tell him that Jesus is acting on your behalf at the right hand of God Almighty! I have to believe our fear and timidity stems from us sometimes forgetting this. I know its true on my part. I needed a kick in the pants to remember this. Thanks to Him in the car tonite reminding me, He loves us!!

I wanted to share with you this thought and hopes that it encourages you! I know we all face struggles and certainly some do more than others, but in the end, the big picture, the endless infinite line, we are loved! Be encouraged today. I hope you are smiling now and warmed by the fact that He loves you!!

I needed to tell you,


Sticky Notes

Jan 11 at 10:51pm

I found some sticky notes the other day. Written on them were the words, "Thank You". The place where I found them though, was the garbage. Someone had thrown them away, probably in cleaning out their desk or something. Not that I rummage through garbage a lot, but I did see them on the top of the garbage. So you know the rule....if its on the top of the pile, it really isnt considered garbage:)

That got me thinking about several things. How many times do we say "Thank You"? Think about that. How many times during the day, do you say, Thank You? Thank You. Two words that, when said from the heart could make someone's day. I think nowadays, we dont say Thank You enough. We hurry, rush, concern ourselves only with ourselves, live inside our own mind, consider our own troubles, triumphs,trials, joys, etc. you get the picture. How many times do we say Thank You? the two words convey our appreciation to the waiter/server at our table, drive-thru window, administrative personnel, public servants, spouse, children, parents. Thank You. How many times have we received service or something and forgot to say thank you. How many times has our plate been filled and we havent said Thank You. How many times have we spoken to someone who we see everyday and impacts our life, really brings value to our life and we dont say Thank You? Thank You!

We rush,worry, hurry, tug,pull,push, fight, scratch,claw our way through life and dont stop to say Thank You to the ones that mean so much to us. Why? For me, its concern totally with myself. that is why I do it. Sometimes I remember I didnt say Thank You, and it stings me later. Am I nonchalant, noncaring? Probably sometime/all the time. Because if I were to pause and consider the other person as we are called to do, we would say Thank You.

Jesus, when He was here on earth, gave thanks to the Father for all things. He paused to give thanks for what was about to happen, not just what happened! Consider that. God in the flesh, Creator in human skin took the time to give thanks. Makes me step back and think that giving thanks is pretty important. Everything we have is given to us. Sure we work to earn a wage to buy things, but its still given to us. We study to learn more, but its still given to us. Its all given to us. Not one thing, though we think we so, do we earn. Its given to us. We dont earn someones love, we cant make anyone love us. They give their love. People give their time to us, we dont earn that. Its given.

this is the picture of grace. Its given to us. Freely. It did come with a price, that we didnt pay. Its given to us. given to us by the Creator of time and space, who caused into being everything that is and will always be. Given, freely. Eternal relationship with the Maker of all things is given to us. For He so loved us, that He gave His only Son, that whosoever would believed in Him, would have everlasting life. Freely given.

Have we said Thank You? When you see a Sticky Note, think about Thank You! Remember to thank someone whose path crosses yours. Remember to say Thank You who causes you to breathe and wants a relationship with you.

Thank you for reading!


Introduction to Thankful

I am thankful. Yes. I am thankful. I was born to great loving parents who loved me unconditionally. I am thankful. I have a wonderful wife, two beloved kids, wonderful brothers and sister, nieces, nephews, in-laws who are loving, funny, and supportive. I am thankful. I have and still do, lifelong friends who, will at a moments notice, come to my side if I needed them. I am thankful.

Most of all, in 1990 I came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement for my sin. The journey has not been all roses and lollipops. That is my fault and the world we live in. But through it all, my 20-20 hindsight has shown me where He has kept me all that time. I am thankful.

I have felt His unction to put down what I believe He is saying to me, set a written goal-oriented plan for my prayer life as well as my professional life. This is a start at that process. I hope through these words that God speaks to you as He is me. I don't know the end result that this will bring, but I do know He wants me to do this. I hope that you are encouraged as you visit and find something that blesses you.

more to come...