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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Bride

The Bride
by Danl Hall on Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 7:41pm

I attended my niece's wedding over the weekend. I have to brag a little on what a wonderful young lady she is and made a great choice in marriage. Her husband is a quiet, confident, steadfast man of God who definitely loves his bride. She had a wonderful setting for the wedding and all of the work that was done by her mother and family was a tremendous statement to the love they have for her. She looked beautiful and, to borrow my wife's statement, was just "glowing" the whole weekend with happiness. Karrah deserves every bit of joy that life and the life after has to offer. She is and always has been the epitome of grace, character, and true beauty that shows Christ through everything she does. A great thing that they included in the ceremony was their public dedication and profession of their faith to everyone present. WOW!!! What a tremendous testimony to lay a foundation stone on the first day of their marriage. I was pretty much an emotional cup that was filling over as I watched her throughout the two days. I saw a young woman that was preparing for the next step in her life with confidence, grace and joy.

When the wedding started and the bride was ready to enter, everyone stood in anticipation. She walked down the aisle in glistening white with a radiant smile that showed true happiness and joy. Lee was there awaiting his bride and the look on his face was one of true happiness. Their proclamation as Christians and their vows as man and wife testified to crowd what their marriage will be based on.

I had a moment when they were pronounced man and wife of what the Scripture talks about the Bride of Christ. As believers we are the Bride of Christ, He is the Bridegroom. The ceremony was set on top of the mountains at the Breaks Interstate Park in full view of God's natural splendor. I understood at that moment more about the Bride of Christ than I have in some time. He expects His bride to come to the wedding party unsullied and fully believing. If we are determined and intentional in our belief that He is the Son of God that came to save us from our sinful condition to bring us into a relationship with Him, then we come to the wedding with happiness and joy. He as the Bridegroom is ever ready and in anticipation of His bride. When the marriage takes place, the wonders of heaven and the full glory of our Lord will be shown! Karrah, as the bride, presented herself ready and prepared to meet the Bridegroom. Lee, pursued Karrah and asked her to be his bride. Christ does that for us. He pursues us and asks us to come to the wedding prepared with our lamps trimmed and ready.

As Karrah and Lee continue with their life, I wish them more happiness and joy, I wish them wonder and amazement at the joys marriage brings. I appreciate the fact that Karrah was persistent in her faith through the years, undaunted even when presented with tough circumstances. Her determined and intentional faith in her God allowed a joy that transcends anything that this world offers. Her choice in an equally yoked partner showed her wisdom and true God given discernment. At the wedding I saw the little girl who I used to put together toys for at Christmas become a radiant, beautiful, pristine bride who epitomized what Christ wants in His bride. I will remember that always thank Him who made it happen often.

Love you, mean it.


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