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Monday, February 28, 2011

Wow, it's so noisy in here!!!

Rattle, rattle, hum, whir, beep, tweet, blog, facebook update,news report, news flash, film at 11!, news reports of a devastating earthquake in Papua, New Guinea, thousands dead, reports of natural disasters all over the world, Charlie Sheen going on a rant about not being able to take drugs, entertain hookers and Kim Kardashians latest real housewife of american pickers found at a storage war!

Sounds like a lot? Need to catch your breath? Confusing?

Noisy to me too. Sometimes I feel like I am on a rollercoaster that has reached the apex and has begun its descent.

The world keeps on making noise at an ever increasing pace. Its like a burr in your saddle as you ride through life. Its there to just put a little discomfort and annoyance in the ride. That's what the devil wants. Distraction. Loss of focus. Lack of diligence. Just wants to beat us down and convince us that its not going to work, not worth the effort, (as the Borg said, "resistance is futile"). Its that discouragement when you know you need to say something to a loved one who is hurting. You know the feeling...I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. They don't have time to hear this. They won't listen. That feeling. Or, its the notion that we can't stop to say, Thank you!, we must push forward to "get ours!" before someone else gets something better, or the last loaf of bread at the supermarket on a snow day. It's noise. Chatter. Chaos.

Is the burr under your saddle worth wasting your days here on earth with unreconciled feelings or unsaid encouragement or love to someone? Why do we do this? What will it hurt to just say, "Hey I want you to know how much you really do mean to me!", or, "Hey, you know when you act the way you do, it hurts me some, but I love you more than the hurt it gives me, so I want us to be straight with one another." Its just that important.

John 14:27 says, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth,give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Jesus gave us peace. He knew that the world would give us noise, chaos and hurt. So, the peace that He gives is here. Its time to tell the world to shut up and cling to His truth. Have you ever went up to a window when its a cold day outside? Put your face close up to the inside part and breathed? See how your breath left a trail which vanished quickly? That's what God says our life is like. "What is your life, but a vapor..."

You get the picture that this vapor is too short to focus on this dot called earthly life? Someone needs you today, tonight, tomorrow. Let them know how much they mean to you. They are waiting by the phone, or on the road somewhere, or maybe right beside you. Don't wait. Do it now. Shut out the noise, turn down the sound, take hold of what He has promised you. What He died for. What He is waiting to hear right now at the Father's right hand. He gave the second commandment to love one another. Don't be afraid, He will be there.

Turning down the sound,


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